Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Love Poem, Poets' Circle Collaboration

Love Poem
Love, from seed to seed, from planet to planet
Memorialize a moment
Like paint on canvas.
Sweet surrender.
Hot canvas.
Cool nights
With love like a knife.
At my back
before me…
Only the light
bright and pure and cutting
 like a knife.
Make my day and make it a delight!
Open to hot gluttony and undulate like sweet ambrosia before God.
Sing with lavish violet verve, a tin lizzie of clematis.
The flowers brightened like a flame
Then faded and dropped to the ground.

--Group Poem
Watsonville Public Library, Poets’ Circle
February 14, 2013

(“Love, from seed to seed, from planet to planet” from a sonnet by Pablo Neruda)

1 comment:

  1. I trust that will be worth the heartbeats. Merci, Ox
