Sunday, April 15, 2012

Winter Solstice, by Cathy Brasher

Winter Solstice

Couldn't see trees for forest's dark despair.
A cozy cabin in Mendocino
light shining through orange papered window
should brighten me. I couldn't feel or care.
So much rain, was it rain that brought it on?
Couldn't see glistened branches, emerald moss.
No place so beautiful, for me: lost,
even chilled to the bone on meadow lawn.

Year's darkest night brought dawn. Rain still happened
but waking I could see, new light dappled
on fields, and in barn filled with golden hay.

Perhaps painting eggs brought the joy to stay.
Brush stroked care not to break ornament
colors strung on our tree: Christmas present.

Surprise, by Rose Myers


I expected to feel differently,
Perhaps the joy of being pleasantly surprised,
Like opening up a cachet of treasures,
Maybe even the excitement of stepping off a gangplank
and into the unknown.

What a felt was the familiar,
What a I heard was the known,
The sound of the buses groaning,
The thumping of feet joining into one stampeding herd.

The music of the city warmed my soul,
My heart gladdened by the unexpected surprise of
remembering, of knowing.

Longing, by Rose Myers


For some longing is enough,
I am in pain,
A pain so voracious,
It feeds on my soul,
Leaves my throat constricted
And my heart beating to a
listless rhythm.

I want to laugh with you!